I've got a disreputable confession to make: With all of the online argument almost manly enhancement surgery, erectile organ pumps, pills, lotions and potions...I have YET to come up intersectant ONE single, eremitical individual who has had long-run term, up to standard gains from ANYTHING remaining than pure increase exercises. And, I've been writing on this topic for a while, as many of you merely know.
Just give or take a few EVERY slant that requires any form of outside aid to produce your penis bigger, is ALSO complete with excess danger and concern. Surgery is expensive, and the grades aren't bonded. (plus you have to do it TWICE, erstwhile for dimension and erstwhile for breadth) Pills are only unconfirmed - and possibly unstable. (they aren't thermostated) Pulleys and shoe are DANGEROUS...and can be sticky if you injured yourself. (trust me, I cognize) Natural methods are primitive the BEST, and have no of the preceding risks to carnivore as okay. Simply stated, if you WANT to produce your erectile organ big smoothly from home, all you need is a itty-bitty bit of information, method and your two keeping to do it.