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nestled undamagingly in the temperature and concentration of his bosom,
salty bodily process ophidian intersecting my face
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But my soft sniffling is in vain!
I don't want him to cognise I'm snivelling.
Oh but he does cognize.
He sees the acherontic haze skirting me even in this shade.
He senses my heartache in the air.
He saw me commune.
He feels it in the unrhythmical rhythm of my breathing
-and the loose twitching of my physical structure.
Thought I was man quiet,
yet he hears me even in this stifle.
He holds me, caresses me.
Not accurately positive what to do,
but without needing to ask does what I obligation him to.
He holds me, squeezes me, caresses me
'til my exhaling sometime again matches his.
Never once uttering a declaration.
Never onetime inquiring for the tears,
he gave me peace, reassurance, and stillness.
He gave me him.
He gave me love!
Job in good health done,
he rolls ended but continues to hand over consoling pats.
He lays his leg side by side to mine, touching
'til he slumbers off to take a nap.
I have need of to construct this down!
If I get up will I stir him?
I'm reasoning around you Momma,
remembering this darkness iii geezerhood ago.
Remembering my thoughts, my feelings, your words, your face, your sentiment.
Watching you.
So persuasive.
Praying for you to softly kip off to sleep,but on the q.t. wishing you could hang about beside me.
Momma I worship you,
but perchance now I can fall down dead to the world too.