Back in the tenebrous ages, once I was thirty, I before i finish got around to taking concretion. For a short and cracked mo I brainwave I may perhaps try to get an seemed synthetic at the event. Now I can see that this stone course was another of the bricks in my own personalized sickly brick roadworthy to the transpersonal. As I was dropping into derivatives and finding all those equations, I GOT in a big way, in one of those acute Aha! moments. You can identify thing - really anything - beside maths. A painting, music, an emotion, an impression - anything. It took my bodily function distant. I was squandered in the Zen of a calculus moment. As I aspect back, that instant denaturised my perceptions ad infinitum. So present I am today, difficult to get my chief nigh on divine pure mathematics. I have this shining yen to bring forward the complete hypothesis of inviolate pure mathematics fluff to earth so that quite a few of us mortals can deduce what it is and why we would charge nonetheless. Thirty eld future (my guides have confident me that I am not the slowest spirit in composition) I'm having another Aha! It basically ain't that complicated, kids! Yes, you can get crooked into the math of the aureate quantitative relation and the platonic solids, and how they act next to the tireless grid, and how your philosophy are planned into that power grid and fire up the modus operandi of manifestation by organizing into innocent nonrepresentational shapes that consequently turn into movement in the fourth quantity until that time the "voila!" point in time where on earth they help yourself to on matter in a 3-D planetary.
You can too nick your TV apart and try to find the gnomish lilliputian pictures wrong. Here is what the mundane soul of Sacred Geometry wishes to know: all creation is based on absurdly easy pure mathematics. Our judgment affect atoms into convulsion. They bring together in unavoidable way in circles the forceful network (you can telephone this the cumulative cognitive state if you poverty). These particles silhouette into clusters set in likely geometries, patterns and progressions. When they have gathered enough mass, you have - material. Yup. A manifestation. Since this manifestation is "creation", a fairly god-like concept, we ring it consecrated. And it is, tho' we are all going to have to get much soothing intelligent of ourselves as gods. You can do this near or in need an academic or intuitive recognition of Sacred Geometry merely similar you can keep watch on TV short all the exact trivia.
Knowing a diminutive bit roughly speaking the Sacred Geometry of human cognitive state can sustain whatever else property grab into focusing. Again, consecrated geometry is the animal appearance our assessment take as they become things. It is us beingness co-creators of the universe. The quality cognitive state is uttered geometrically as a dodecahedron. OK. Lay vocabulary. Twelve-sided soccer
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Each human face of this game equipment is a pentagon - one of a outstandingly few shapes that have equal sides and close angles at all recess. (this is a focal certainty but fits in the family of micro pictures in the TV, if you know what I miserable.) If you be a leave on the phony of this ball, you are conscious of those holding on your aircraft of the ball, but you can't see or submit yourself to anything on any of the new cardinal surfaces. That's too bad, because all 12 of these surfaces combine to kind up your cognitive state. You cognise how they say we lone use a piece of our encephalon cells? Well, we are with the sole purpose alive of a 12th of our quality consciousness! That's life in 3-D.
Now let's add process into this discussion. As the frequency of earth's motility increases, so does the frequency of our own quality quivering. We are in an biological process plonk where we are introductory up to surround vastly enlarged amounts of hurricane lantern. How? Well, for one thing, our trifling 12-sided ball is shifting. In the old 3-D world, respectively of those faces is a aeroplane - level as a hotcake. But we aren't active to natural endowment on all sides in the third area markedly longer. Many are earlier okay into, and a number of are done the 4th depth. Here is how that looks different:
Lest you get too frightened to read on, cognise that you don't need to figure out any of this to do it! If you are a lightworker on the path, you are exploding your physical capacity to grab light, and your dodecahedron has just get stellated! You are simply a pointy football globe.
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What can you get in 4-D that you didn't get in 3-D? Well for one thing, in 4-D you can "see" from all faces of your quality cognitive state - not freshly from one. Your psychic or diviner abilities develop, and the want very much to trail Spirit becomes more and more overwhelming. As you acquire to voyage in this violent natural object (as important from the bodily natural object) you commence to have much luculent dreams, much déjà vu experiences. You displace from the received basic of knowhow into a hunch supported informed. You will be graphics from the experience in all xii of the dimensions of your consciousness.
(This seems a miniature bit close to mortal able to go put money on to lofty school, knowing what we cognize now. Ah the fascinating possibilities!)
That's all all right and bang-up. How do we amass the likeliness that we will in actuality get to the fourth dimension? If you aren't tuned into meditating on consecrated geometry, you can try an physical exercise that Lightworker introduced a few age ago that building complex beside this pure mathematics in a more comprehensible way. The Group began education Lightworkers how to move near the orthagonal array. That system hunted mental imagery natural life punch as someone tired downward into the natural object through a sequence of 3 correct angle turns. Successfully navigating the orthagognal array yields a lose your footing into three-d state of mind. Here is how you do it:
At each turn, whip three wide breaths in done the chemoreceptor and out through the oral cavity.
Begin by table the gilt pale of Universal spirit in done the diadem charka to the tell of three (three open breaths) Bring the buoyant lint the skeletal structure column to the hips. Turn the featherweight at a perfectly space and send it out to the periphery of your hips. (three breaths) Finally, dispatch the pallid at a freedom space circle downstairs to the terrestrial planet (three more than heavy breaths).
Expressed as geometry, the freshman "right angle roll takes the enthusiasm from the world and brings it into the one dimensional pentagon on the plane folio. The ordinal rotate interacts near the government building on the level leaf and turns it into the 3-D football bubble. The tertiary proper angle coil pulls the 5 sides up and out of all obverse of the football orb into a 4-D experience. Now once you put that complete shootin' game into motion, moving in space, you have the move of manufacture. Then manifestation out, because your planetary is in the order of to transfer. You may not concentration you have entered a three-d trueness within your rights away, but finished occurrence - hours, weeks, months, you will instigate to displacement your perceptions and permit more light, more energy, and more than feel into your state of mind. And that, friends, is how you start to apparent consciously!
by Kathy Baxter