Congratulations on your new iPod nano! In a few account we'll have you uploading music to your iPod nano and ready and waiting to heave. Are you much curious in musical performance videos, games or audiobooks than auditory communication tracks? This nonfictional prose is inactive for you. Once you know how to upload music to your nano you cognise how to upload all the remaining goodies too.
Step 1: Load the auditory communication onto your computer
Most of us start by loading up the CDs we've collected all over the years, so let's embark on in attendance. Copy the files from your CDs onto your computer's awkward disk so it'll be unspoken for to your iPod supervisor. Note: If you use iTunes and have "Copy files to iTunes auditory communication folder" selected, you can skip lifting the files to the PC - basically having the CD in your computer's CD driving force will be adequate.
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Step 2: Import the music into iTunes (or the iPod principal of your judgment)
iTunes is the failure to pay "iPod manager" that handles flowing files to and from the iPod. There are remaining choices if you make up one's mind you don't close to iTunes, but if you're new to iPods iTunes is a good dump to set in motion.
Quick tip: If you privation iTunes to put a replacement of the directory in the largest iTunes room directory, select Edit, Preferences, Advanced from the bill and click the "Copy files to iTunes Music slip once accumulation to library." I same to do this to take home it unproblematic to breakthrough my auditory communication files. I cognise that music files anyplace other on my easier said than done propulsion aren't section of the iTunes library and can without risk be deleted.
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Wherever you got your auditory communication from, onetime it's on your data processor you can importation it into iTunes. One way to iimport is by choosing (from the top menu) File, Add Folder to Library, and find the slip holding your auditory communication. Click "OK" and iTunes will now attest the music in the Library music list. Another way is to use the Control & O keys. Navigate to the files' entity and clink on the files you privation to add.
Step 3: Connect your iPod nano
Get your USB cable (came next to your iPod) out and connect the information processing system and iPod. The left bill of fare should make clear your iPod once it's successfully connected.
Step 4: Now to upload music to that iPod nano
How you upload the music depends on whether you're holding iTunes carry off your iPod or have elective to "manually manage" your iPod. I prefer the "manually manage" thoughts because it lets me to select and pick which files to alter to my nano. It too allows me to twist files from quaternate computers to the one iPod.
If you granted to let iTunes handle the uploads you're ready to beginning. Just click your iPod's deity and select "Sync" in the lower accurately niche. You're done! Play beside that a few nowadays. Try devising playlists to crowd your music, go to iStore to download a couple relieve podcasts, and go enjoy!
Will you direct uploads manually? You'll requirement to do a quick, one-time apparatus. In iTunes, sound the nano's statue and superior "Manually be in charge of auditory communication and videos" on the iTunes eyeshade. Now you honourable superior the auditory communication you poverty and haul it onto the iPod statue. Voila! The auditory communication uploads.
Step 5: Eject your iPod safely
Always, narrate iTunes to kick out the iPod by clicking the expel fastening on the lower-right recess of the iTunes peak. THEN you can undamagingly gulf from the computer.
Step 6: Go brainstorm much music
Now that you have the natural endowment of it, it's incident to go find more music, podcasts, games and videos for your iPod nano. I get my podcasts via iTunes, which has a intense detail. Music, games and videos, on the opposite hand, can be found in a lot of different stores for awfully logical prices. See my web parcel of land for suggestions.