The chief of state election of 2008 reminds me of the foremost Churchill joke where he not-so-jokingly declared that the greatest case against democracy is a five teeny oral communication with the middle citizen. While this is a credible argument, this election's presidential piece of ground is an even more than sound one. We have dumb, dumber, and dumbest. We have the socialist Billary, the marxist ShObama, and the middle-of-the-road democrat McSame. Not precisely fertilized soil.

As a constant conservative, but more than importantly a self-aggrandizing and superpatriotic American, what I find maximum discouraging is the GOP's misguided and distressing application for get-together unity, uber allice shad. In supporting the party, I
wonder out clarion sometimes, are you not undermining the country? Unity, lest we forget, is the pip of political theory. Obedience is obligatory it spouts, profanation will not be tolerated, and if you daring ask questions, we will phone you defamation. You're un-american. You're a broad. You're racial. You're... well, you're just strange. It leaves a spiteful sense datum in your mouth, finally.

And so onetime again, the unsurpassable that "my party" can do is spoon-feed me the stinking reproductive structure of the mediocre of two ills story. I essential choice party for the exceptional grounds that if I don't, the bucolic will end up near a democrat. And that would be more worse than having a political party in office. Because you see, even on the other hand we concur on record things, and piece our candidate doesn't have a together lot to offer, well, at lowest he's not a politician. The dems, you see, are even worsened than we are.

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It is the mediocre of two evils, or the wrong of the two lessers?

Happily, republican presidential campaigner Dr. Ron Paul breaks new terrain. I will nip in the bud the shadowing objections: Yes, but he can't win. Not if you don't selection for him. Yes, but they aforesaid he dropped out of the competition. Stop looking at TV. They song. Yes, but Ron Paul's no political party. Well, you got me at hand. After all, what party these life content the constitution?! Yes, but he's... he's weird!

Party unity! Party unity!

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And no, a selection for chief is ne'er a pointless ballot vote. What some other good of ballot vote is there?

I will profess that Dr. Paul is not as experienced a speechifier as Obama. He's not as power-mad as Hillary, nor as venal as McCain, and he's not as debauched as Hillary, or as loopy as McCain. I daring not communicate for Dr. Paul, but his communication is childlike. Listen to it. Peace, financial condition and freedom. Oh, and let's not bury the plan of law.

The supreme law of the land, incidentally, is the US Constitution, primitively well-known as the organic law for the combined states of America.

A easygoing reading of said writing would show the following:

1. There are iii branches of polity.

2. The business executive is a member of the executive arm of government.

3. The bottom idiom of enforcement is "execute".

4. This next is the president's job, to kill the law. To transferral out the will of the people, as verbalized by
congress. To be a worker of the group. To assure that the sound of the ethnic group is detected. Think of the president as the nation's top lawman.

5. For pattern. If the general assembly passes a law to pamper America's borders with a border fence, it is the president's job to get that balustrade reinforced.

6. It matters not the president's private views on abortion, or wellbeing care, or education, the inner personal matters of international countries, or the difficulty of unusual person transvestites from Mexico. He has not the authorization to ordain his of their own views into law. Read your constitution!

7. The business executive does not label law. No, it is the assembly limb that legislates. And the assembly limb of management is noted as united states congress. If one one-on-one alone makes the law, that cause is acknowledged as a dictator, and you have not freedom, but repression.

8. The business executive is not authoritarian of the legendary natural object.

9. No, the business executive is the custodian of the U.S. constitution, which guarantees the rights of all Americans. Not every Americans. Not groups of Americans, for location is no such as point. There are only: incomparable and particular Americans.

10. To preserve, safeguard and shield the law is the cuss the president takes once pledged into business office. It is the selfsame curse that George Washington took.

11. This is our grouping of government, and Dr. Ron Paul intends to put right it.

Gentle reader, go off nowadays and works a independence ligneous plant. Tomorrow could be too ripe.


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