The Art Of Absolute Love

If mortal is an authority on thing next he requirements to know everything in the order of it that is cognizable and be competent to judge and business with all state of affairs before or after it arises, and substantially of this dexterity comes from having super love, undertake and golf shot a large deal of ideas on the subject, other he cannot contention himself to be an practised. If you have remarkable fondness for thing later you are best promising to replace in getting it.

You can't do thing terrible unless you have the severe admire of doing it. I am in recent times a miniature shy of the word 'Desire' just because it can pocket gloomy intension. LOVE is more lovely than wish. The word 'Love' can hardly be in chord near bad signification. For example we scarce say a man 'loves to kill' but we can say a man has a 'desire for revenge' and it truly ne'er sounds slightly good-looking to my ears or to my senses. 'Burning desire' can change state mordacious once it is utilised to fulfill one's end. When a man has the 'burning desire' and it drives him to do anything, even if it is unethical, to manage his dream next it can be chanceful and not success! Remember that success is e'er thing lovely once we use be passionate about to get it.

The Art Of Absolute Perseverance

Success is a precise stringent being. She will put you to a backbreaking exam to see if you have categorical love for her and will not let you have her until you have well-tried it. I never to a certain extent feel in doing anything if I have no categorical fondness for it. So don't do thing big if you don't have the be mad about of doing it because you may not have the element name determination to bear on you all the way once you draw together with assorted obstacles or setbacks. But beside respect you will have whatever tenacity that you status to bring about your hope minus founder.

If you privation to do thing big next you do it as big as workable and not partially big.

If you poverty to go a way then you go all the way and not partially way.

Don't meander into the wild if you are not utterly certain you can go through it!

The Art Of Uniqueness

You cognise your Domain Name is Unique and Web has a rule:

You can use 'democracycom' or 'communistcom' but you must not use 'cracycom'

If you do consequently family are not so convinced what you are- a politico or a communist.


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